Sue Nixon “Homophone Dictionary”

Finally, although the format is structured, there’s little concern for conserving a consistency of style in the sentences – some are long, some are short, some are serious, some are silly.

“As a student nurse learning medical terminology, I became fascinated with understanding the roots of words. When I had a young family, words were a principal source of entertainment: it was not unusual for one of the children to slip from their chair at the dinner table and fetch a dictionary in order to settle a dispute or satisfy someone’s curiosity. Then I became a teacher and brought this love of words into the classroom. My habit of word collecting became the children’s habit – my pupils became ‘word-lovers’ and ‘list-makers.’

I casually collected homophones for years. When introducing homophones into the classroom, the kids found definitions dull; the typical reaction was, ‘Yes, but give me a sentence using the word!’ and this idea emerged: a book of sentences demonstrating the meanings of homophone pairs or sets.”

“The sentences reflected my own life experiences: my girlhood on a Saskatchewan farm during the Depression; my years as a nurse, parent, and teacher; my college major in geography; and my interest in politics. To supplement these personal topics, there were many calls to family and friends – to my art-historian daughter, my pilot son and nurse daughter-in-law, to my veterinarian son and his business-professor wife, my retired-teacher friend, and my best friend’s fisherman husband. They were bombarded with questions like: How is this word used as a noun? This is a flying word, can you help me out here? Can you give me a sentence that shows how a surgeon would use this? […]”

“There are a few other things that I would like to share.

First of all, I would like to clarify the book’s terminology. In my earliest years of teaching, the term ‘homonym’ was applied more broadly than today’s precise usage: the words we once studied as ‘homonyms’ are usually ‘homophones’ — words that sound the same but have different meanings and, typically, different spellings and derivations. The term ‘homonym,’ on the other hand, is now consistently limited to the various meanings of a single spelling. In this book I have only included homonyms when they are contained within a larger homophone set.

Secondly, this book does not contain an exhaustive list. […]

Finally, although the format is structured, there’s little concern for conserving a consistency of style in the sentences – some are long, some are short, some are serious, some are silly.”

(from Afterword: “I have always loved words” by the author)

Author: Sue Nixon
Editor and typesetting: Riet Wijnen
Copy editor: Janine Armin
Design: [Linda, at] Mevis & van Deursen

133 x 213mm, 424pp b/w, with full-colour cover with clear acetate dust-jacket printed in full-colour.

This publication was [intitated by Riet Wijnen, and] realized as part of the Ruisdael- Stipendium [awarded to her in] 2018 and made possible with the financial support of kunstwegen; State of Lower Saxony; Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim; City of Nordhorn; and Mondriaan Fonds. 

EU 15 (excluding postage)

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F.R.DAVID “Correctional Facility”

This 20th issue is edited by Will Holder; paying attention to difference; and transformations between accident⎱design 249
acorn⎱oak 293–94, 297–98
adult⎱child 95, 139, 207, 308
alphabetic⎱postliterary 3
alphabetic⎱postalphabetic 3, 5
alphabetic⎱analphabetic 5…

F.R.DAVID is a typographical journal, dealing with the organisation of reading and writing in contemporary art practises. The 20th issue, “Correctional Facility” is edited by Will Holder paying attention to difference; and transformations between

accident⎱design 249
acorn⎱oak 293–94, 297–98
adult⎱child 95, 139, 207, 308
alphabetic⎱postliterary 3
alphabetic⎱postalphabetic 3, 5
alphabetic⎱analphabetic 5
analytic⎱linguistic 298
angles⎱angels 162
aristocrat⎱ass 12
ass⎱man 28
aye⎱eye 160
bad⎱good 130
before⎱after 19, 49, 51, 158,
201, 263, 305
bitter⎱sweet 65, 163, 217
both⎱and 8, 119, 123, 160, 173, 180, 245, 292, 298
cart⎱horse 2, 9
coming into being⎱passing away 318
communism⎱democracy 319
163, 168, 170
concrete⎱abstract 288
dark⎱light 43, 64, 127, 223,
261, 300, 309, 316
diegetic⎱non-diegetic 145, 193
dropped out⎱drop doubt 160
either⎱or 6, 14, 39, 43, 54, 85, 119, 120, 132, 195, 223, 249, 288
emotional⎱intellectual 297
enthusiastic⎱tempered 13, 78, 205
ἕν καἰ τὀ πᾶν⎱one and all 224

everything⎱fragment 33, 138
everything⎱all things 218–22
experience⎱attention 39, 40, 65, 254–5
green⎱blue 127
high modernism⎱post-structuralist⎱postmodernism 165
radical modernism⎱modernism⎱
postmodernism 4, 164–66
I⎱sigh 160
image⎱word 6, 72, 316–18
Isis⎱Isis 226
jar⎱jars 76, 158, 159
left⎱right 7, 28, 127, 217
meaningful⎱meaningless 258
oak (a⎱ok) 290, 293–94, 297–98
orality⎱textuality 3, 264
phoneme⎱letter 180
phonetic⎱ideogrammatic 297
shit⎱gold †
signal⎱noise 39, 40, 65, 254–55
sweat⎱tears 292
tail⎱bell-rope 151, 154
thesis⎱antithesis 322
written⎱unwritten 158, 296–97
vowel⎱consonant 180–82, 292
we are⎱we ain’t 93
white pawn⎱white pawn 224
word⎱world 8, 12, 138, 160, 165, 166, 180, 183, 260, 265, 287, 298, 300, 315, 317
writing⎱nature 27, 44, 83, 120,
121, 126, 166, 183, 198, 203,
219–20, 252, 297, 318–19

120 x 192mm, 320pp b/w, with postcard and two bookmarks in three colours.

250 copies with Eeyore’s tail hand-drawn, in red ink.

EU 10 (excluding postage)

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F.R.DAVID is co-published with KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin.

Will Holder’s work is supported by a Paul Hamlyn Foundation award.
